High Street

Retail industry is overtaxed, says BRC

The UK has lost 6,000 shops in the last five years: in two-thirds of these closures, business rates had a material impact in the decision-making process

The British Retail Consortium (BRC) has claimed that the retail industry is overtaxed compared with other sectors of the economy after new research found retail pays 7.4% of all business taxes (£33bn), a share 1.5 times greater than its share of the overall economy (5% GDP).

The BRC said this bill amounts to 55% of the industry’s pre-tax profits, the highest proportion, along with hospitality, of all main business sectors.

Of this total tax bill, 11% of profits is made up of business rates, the highest of all business sectors.

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The findings come as the BRC puts forward its submission to the Autumn Budget, which calls on the government to introduce a 20% Retail Rates Corrector, a 20% adjustment to bills for all retail properties.

The UK has lost 6,000 shops in the last five years: in two-thirds of these closures, business rates had a material impact in the decision-making process.

Helen Dickinson, BRC CEO, said: “Our research conclusively proves what retailers have known for years: the industry is paying far more than its fair share of tax. The impact of this is clear to see on high streets across the country, with shops shut, jobs lost and a social as well as economic cost. The rates bill also means missed opportunities as other investments, which would drive growth in the longer term, don’t happen.

“The chancellor has a golden opportunity to fix this and use the scale of the industry to help deliver some of the government’s priorities. Introducing a 20% Retail Rates Corrector would be a decisive move that levels the playing field between different sectors of the economy and is the best way to achieve the government’s commitment of a tax ‘fairer for bricks and mortar businesses’. It gives an immediate return allowing retailers to move further and faster with investments that play a critical part in driving growth, and in restoring our high streets right across the country.”

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