Clothing & Shoes

New Look partners with ITF to protect supply chain workers

New Look sources from 19 countries around the world, using sea, road and – to a lesser extent – air transport to bring its products to the UK and Ireland

New Look has partnered with the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) to ensure that transport workers’ human and labour rights are protected in the fashion retailer’s supply chain. 

Under a new memorandum of understanding (MoU), New Look will conduct human rights due diligence (HRDD) in its transport supply chain in full consultation with the global trade union. 

The MoU states that New Look and the ITF will work together to “improve the safety, resilience and sustainability of transport supply chains, the public they serve, and the transport workers that keep them moving”.


Other commitments under the MoU include advanced freedom of association for its supply chain transport workers; joint training for New Look and its suppliers; and the provision for (or cooperation in) remediation, when appropriate, through collective bargaining with the ITF or other trade unions.

Sue Fairley, senior head of ESG, quality and sourcing at New Look, said: “Formalising our relationship with ITF offers New Look an informed, practical partnership to help us remain vigilant and diligent in our commitment to uphold human rights, be aware of vulnerable workers and make sure there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our operations, which includes transport and logistics.”

Stephen Cotton, general secretary at ITF, added: “New Look is clearly a company that wants to go above and beyond in its efforts to protect transport workers in its supply chain.

“Transport workers play a central role in ensuring our clothing, often produced far away, reaches the shops on UK high streets. They are key workers in our global economy, and like all workers, they deserve to have their rights respected.”

New Look sources from 19 countries around the world, using sea, road and – to a lesser extent – air transport to bring its products to the UK and Ireland.

Meanwhile, the ITF has a network of transport trade union affiliates in industrial sections covering seafarers, dockers, and workers in road transport, railways, civil aviation and warehousing. 

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