
Asda urges customers to donate to national food drive

Last year alone, Asda customers donated more than ever to the food drive, the equivalent of over 225,000 additional meals

Asda will be hosting its annual food drive in partnership with the Trussell Trust and is calling on customers up and down the country to donate essential food items at their nearest store.

The food drive aims to support food banks in the community and will take place in stores across the weekend from 17-19 May.

Local charities and volunteers from food banks across the Trussell Trust network will visit Asda stores, to share information about their community projects, and customers can choose to donate to the food drive by placing their items in collection points after the tills. 

Message boards and stickers will be displayed beside the most needed items at food banks, as well as shopping list printouts that customers can use to tick off the essentials they donate.

Asda has had customer collection food trolleys in its stores since 2018, and in that time, its customers have donated the equivalent of over fourteen million meals. Last year alone, Asda customers donated more than ever to the food drive, the equivalent of over 225,000 additional meals.

The Trussell Trust’s head of corporate partnerships, Zoe Pate, said: “The food banks in the Trussell Trust network have seen an increase in need for their services over the last year, and food donation levels just can’t keep up. That’s why our partnership with Asda and the May food drive is so important.

“Food banks rely on these donations to be able to support their local communities and to keep their doors open, so they can help everyone who needs it. If you can, please consider donating an item from your local food bank’s shopping list during the food drive between the 17-19 of May. Thank you.”

Asda Better Starts manager, Ashlee Couldwell, said: “Food banks are playing a crucial part in helping communities up and down the country. As the demand for help from food banks increases every year, we’re hoping this food drive encourages a positive increase in donations. All donations to food banks in the Trussell Trust network received during the weekend will kindly be topped up by Asda by 20%.

“We are so thankful for the contributions made by our customers each year, and we are proud that they continue to help the people in their communities who need the most support.”

Bradford Central foodbank food manager, Josie Barlow, said: “Your support means we can help people facing hunger and poverty while we work in the long-term to build a future where everyone has enough money for the things we all need. We want to have a country where people don’t need to use food banks.”

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