High Street

December consumer confidence ends 2018 on five-year low

GfK’s long-running Consumer Confidence Index decreased by one point in December 2018 to -14.

The measure for the general economic situation of the country during the last 12 months also dropped by two points to -31 this month, the same level as December 2017, and expectations for the next 12 months have decreased six points to -38, 10 points lower than December 2017.

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The group said the steep drop for the outlook on the general economy in the coming year is the “most telling data point this month”, with consumers clearly “casting a vote of no-confidence in our immediate economic future”.

Joe Staton, client strategy director at GfK, said UK consumers are ending 2018 on a “pessimistic note” with “Christmas cheer in short supply”. He added: “The uptick in the ‘major purchases’ measure also might be no more than a last festive hurrah for retailers, the only sliver of comfort and joy amidst the gloom.

“In the face of ever-rising costs, and the threat of higher inflation combined with uncertainty around the outcome of the Brexit negotiations, it’s no surprise that consumers are in a chilly mood of despondency and putting on a glum face when they look at the prospects for 2019.”

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