Shopping Centres

Marlowes Shopping Centre unveils first stages of new development plans

The Marlowes Shopping Centre in Hemel Hempstead is currently undergoing extensive refurbishments to improve its family facilities and invest in the local area.

Last year the shopping centre made a commitment to the local community to provide updated facilities, enhancing Hemel shoppers’ experience as part of a wider investment in the Shopping Centre and local area.

The first development, due to open mid-September, includes the enlargement of the downstairs toilets to be three times bigger than they were before, totalling 230sq metres.

These will feature improved family facilities complete with equipment needed to look after young children and babies, alongside a child’s play and family area.

The plans for the new state-of-the-art toilets and family area will make it significantly easier for those with children to manage their time and needs when visiting the retail centre. The North Mall entrance will also be remodelled, and this will be the primary arrival point for the new leisure offer, as well as a refurbishment of Fareham House’s front canopy

Vince Williams, The Marlowes Centre manager, said: “We are incredibly excited to be able to present these new facilities to the shoppers of Hemel. This is the start of a wider programme of investment and improvement, and we are working extremely hard to exceed expectations as we help revitalise the centre.

“The family area is being built to improve the visitor experience thus attracting more families to The Marlowes. We anticipate that the facilities will not only increase dwell time in the centre but in Hemel Hempstead’s town centre too.”

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