High Street

Scribbler to stock interracial and LGBTQ greeting cards in UK first

Greetings card retailer Scribbler has become the first UK high street retailer to stock greeting cards featuring interracial and LGBTQ couples this month ahead of Pride in London.

The range was created by card designer Huetribe and aims to promote social inclusivity and celebrate the “beauty of diversity”.

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Tineka Smith, founder of Huetribe and in an interracial relationship herself, launched the business after her husband bought an anniversary card that featured black and white penguins on it as “it was the only card he could find in the store that had a black and white couple on it”.

Smith said: “When you walk into a store and see images on greeting cards that look like you or your relationships, it gives you a sense of acceptance that people realise you’re an important part of our society too.”

Vanessa Mallia, head of PR and social media at Scribbler, added: “Our alternative humour has pioneered the greetings card industry and we pride ourselves on offering alternative humour cards and products that aren’t available elsewhere. As a result, we’re delighted to be the first UK high street retailer to represent interracial and LGBT couples and stock HueTribe cards. Our customers are from all walks of life and its vital that our products reflect that.”

Huetribe greeting cards are now available at Scribbler stores in Cardiff, Bournemouth, Oxford, Kensington, Hammersmith; Bond Street, Bishopsgate, Kings Road, Glasgow Buchanan Street, Newcastle, Rathbone Place, Manchester, Edinburgh, Islington, Wardour Street and Kingston, and online.

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